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Maximise your Reports and Dashboards



In this 60 minute webinar Amira Mahjoub, Senior Consultant in, will demo live useful functionality and tips and tricks around using Salesforce reports and dashboards. This will help those who are already comfortable creating basic reports to maximise the insights you can gain from Salesforce to make data-driven decisions in your organisations. Amira has been working since 2015 for Salesforce and has been supporting nonprofit customers maximise their utilisation of the platform for the last two years. As part of her work she has observed that not all customers were aware of the different reporting capabilities. The webinar will therefore cover a demo of the following reporting features: Cross Filters and Filter logic Conditional formating Row level formula Report Charts Dashboards Filters Reports/Dash Subscription and conditional subscription Embedding report charts on a record page Embedding a dashboard on a homepage and assigning specific home pages to different profiles Slide Deck:


0-5: Introductions 5-50: Reports and Dashboard demo 50-60: Q&A