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Get Started: Service Cloud: Salesforce Foundations



In this video, Salesforce admins learn why and how to use Salesforce Foundations — a free upgrade that gives access to key sales, service, AI, marketing, commerce, and data features. We'll cover access, navigation, common use cases, and more. Salesforce Foundations is a free upgrade available for Enterprise Editions and higher. For additional resources and information mentioned in this video, or to sign up for an individual follow-up session (available to Premier and Signature Success Plan customers), click here: 0:00 Intro and Overview 0:17 About Salesforce Foundations 1:36 Access and Navigate Salesforce Foundations 3:48 Demo: Sales 4:13 ​​Demo: Service 4:41 Demo: Marketing and Data 5:12 Demo: Commerce 5:45 Agentforce 6:46 Recommendations and Outro #Salesforce #ExpertCoaching #SalesforceSupport #SalesforceGetStarted #Accelerator #ExpertCoachingVideo #SalesCloud #ServiceCloud #DataCloud #MarketingCloud #CommerceCloud